On Leave Spring 2025
M.Phil. Yale University, American Studies (2009)
Ph.D. Yale University, American Studies (2012)
HIST 254 / AMST 254 / LEAD 254 LEC
Sovereignty, Resistance, and Resilience: Native American Histories to 1865 (not offered 2024/25)HIST 276 SEM
Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Community Histories, Presents, and Futures (not offered 2024/25)HIST 360 SEM
Mapping North America: Critical Cartographies (not offered 2024/25)HIST 455 / AMST 455 SEM
Material Cultures in North American History (not offered 2024/25)Biography
Christine DeLucia is Associate Professor of History at Williams College, and previously was Associate Professor of History at Mount Holyoke College. She received her undergraduate degree in History and Literature at Harvard College in 2006, an M.Litt. in Environmental History at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 2007, and her Ph.D. in American Studies at Yale University in 2012. She is the author of Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast, published in 2018 by Yale University Press in the Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity. In 2019 the book received the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians book award and the Honorable Mention from the National Council on Public History. She has also written for The Journal of American History, William and Mary Quarterly, Early American Studies, Los Angeles Review of Books, and other publications. She recently held a fellowship at the Newberry Library in Chicago to work on her second book, a study of Native American, African American, and colonial relationships in the Northeast in the era before, during, and after the American Revolution.
Professor DeLucia has spoken about her work with Radio Boston as well as the New Books Network. Learn more about her scholarship, teaching, and public humanities work at www.christinedelucia.com.
Selected Publications
“Can We Scan the Piggin?: Revisiting Early American Material Culture and Campus Collections across Pandemic Time,” Commonplace: The Journal of Early American Life (July 2022), http://commonplace.online/article/can-we-scan-the-piggin/
Co-authored with Meghan Howey, “Spectacles of Settler Colonial Memory: Archaeological Findings from an Early Twentieth Century ‘First’ Settlement Pageant and Other Commemorative Terrain in New England.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology (Jan. 1, 2022).
Co-author with Doug Kiel, Katrina Phillips, and Kiara Vigil, “Histories of Indigenous Sovereignty in Action: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?” The American Historian (OAH Magazine), March 2021, https://www.oah.org/tah/issues/2021/native-american-history-and-sovereignty/.
“Burl Bowls and Grinding Stones: Indigenous Materialities and Memorialization after King Philip’s War.” In Violence and Indigenous Communities: Confronting the Past and Engaging the Present, eds. Susan Sleeper-Smith, Jeffrey Ostler, and Joshua L. Reid (Newberry Library/Northwestern University Press, Feb. 2021).
“Recovering Material Archives in the Native Northeast: Converging Approaches to Traces, Indigeneity, and Settler Colonialism.” Early American Literature 55:2, special issue on “Beyond Recovery” (summer 2020): 355-394.
Contribution to roundtable, “On Teaching Colonialism in History,” for H-Diplo (H-Net network for Diplomatic History), XXII-8, Oct. 14, 2020, https://issforum.org/roundtables/PDF/Roundtable-XXII-8.pdf.
“Continuing the Intervention: Past, Present, and Future Pathways for Native Studies and Early American History.” Invited response to “AHR Exchange: Historians and Native American and Indigenous Studies,” dual review of Memory Lands and Our Beloved Kin, in American Historical Review 125:2 (April 2020): 528-532.
“Terrapolitics in the Dawnland: Relationality, Resistance, and Indigenous Futures in the Native and Colonial Northeast.” The New England Quarterly XCII:4 (Dec. 2019): 548-583.
“Indigenous Stories in Stone: Mohegan Placemaking, Activism, and Colonial Encounters at the Royal Mohegan Burial Ground.” Native American and Indigenous Studies 6:2 (Fall 2019): 74-109.
“Materialities of Memory: Traces of Trauma and Resilience in Native and Colonial North America.” Forthcoming in English Language Notes 57:2, special issue on “Memory, Amnesia, Commemoration” (Oct. 2019): 7-21.
“Fugitive Collections in New England Indian Country: Indigenous Material Culture and Early American History-Making at Ezra Stiles’ Yale Museum.” The William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., Vol. 75, No. 1 (Jan. 2018): 111-152.
“An ‘Indian Fishing Weir’ at Musketaquid: Marking Northeastern Indigenous Homelands and Colonial Memoryscapes.” Gallery Essay, Environmental History, Vol. 23, Iss. 1 (Jan. 2018): 184-198.
“Antiquarian Collecting and the Transits of Indigenous Material Culture: Rethinking ‘Indian Relics’ and Tribal Histories.” Object Lessons feature, Common-place: The Journal of Early American Life, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Spring 2017)
“Locating Kickemuit: Springs, Stone Memorials, and Contested Placemaking in the Northeastern Borderlands.” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, special issue on early American environments, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Spring 2015): 467-502.
“The Sound of Violence: Music of King Philip’s War and Memories of Settler Colonialism in the American Northeast.” Common-place: The Journal of Early American Life, special issue on early American music, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Winter 2013)
“Placing Joseph Bruchac: Native Literary Networks and Cultural Transmission in the Contemporary Northeast.” Studies in American Indian Literatures, special issue on Indigenous New England, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Fall 2012): 71-96.
“The Memory Frontier: Uncommon Pursuits of Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip’s War.” The Journal of American History, Vol. 98, No. 4 (March 2012): 975-997
“Border Crossings: Telling Indian Histories at the Frontière.” Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 1 (March 2012): 134-139
“Getting the Story Straight: Press Coverage of Italian-American Lynchings from 1856-1910.” Italian Americana, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2003): 212-221